Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Love Books

Yep, I'm a big fan of books. I have a friend that has been trying to sell me on getting a Kindle. I can't explain it but I like the feel of the actual book in my hands. Turning the pages, dog-earring them and using a fun book marker. Oh, and when you're all done putting it neatly in the bookcase as your little accomplishment. My friends have asked me about some of my books and it's fun to loan them out and discuss them. 

Have you ever read a book that changed how you look at life? How you acted? Treated your family? I have...and I'm so thankful for the ability to read, learn and change. 


Kim Hambric said...

Kindle? Never! Yes, I do get a feeling of accomplishment by adding a book to my shelves of books I'd love to read again. And the smell. I love a good book smell.

One of my favorites is Anne Tyler's Ladder of Years. A woman runs away from her family and picks up new "family" on the way. Becomes bogged down with the new family and rethinks what she has done. Simplified version here, but great book.

My mom died recently, and I have part of her collection of cookbooks. I am not a cook, but for some reason, I am moved by these books. The idea of cooking and eating and bringing people together.

Great artwork!!!

Shelby and Bev said...

i too love to read, and can't imagine a kindle in these hands!
and yes, i get a feeling of accomplishment when i finish a book and put it in the bookcase...
nice post...

drollgirl said...

books are the best!

i can't get around the kindle thing. i am sure it is fab and all, but i like the look and feel (and sometimes the jacket) of the real mccoy!

hope you have a fab weekend!