Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pneumonia Strikes Again

Yep, once again have Pneumonia (on going saga). I have the best husband in the world because he took sick days to stay home and help out with the kids. I have basically spent a week in bed feeling miserable. However, I am on antibiotics and life is returning back to normal (at least my normal). One problem though, I can't find my glasses and that's not such a good thing because they were my back up pair. Have you ever tried looking for glasses when you don't have your glasses on? It's kinda hard because you can't see a dang thing. I am back in my studio (best place ever) but everything is blurry so I am going to stick to simple things until I can enlist the help of 20/20 vision to help with the hunt to locate my specs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I hope you feel better soon!! And you definitely need to get some replacement glasses so that you can keep creating. Making art is very healing! Best wishes for a speedy recovery...